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Chapter One of Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy book.
What happens when we decide to be partners and build family with someone, and after a few months or years the rosy glow of our idealism wears off and it seems to become so much more difficult than we imagined? Why do we find ourselves arguing, feeling jealous, greedy, and uncooperative? It seems if the other person would just do it our way, and stop being so unreasonable, things would work out great!
How do we communicate what we want without being controlling? How do we stay connected when our needs seem to be conflicting with others?
When you are able to let your thoughts or feelings be known to another person in a way that they can understand, without attacking (trying to hurt) them, that is good communication. This requires an attitude of cooperation, honesty and respect.
In order to really be communicating, your message must be received as well as sent. If you say something that the other person doesn't hear or understand, you have expressed yourself, but you have not really communicated anything.
Would you like to live in community someday, or do you live with people now and want to feel more harmonious and connected?
These are meetings and formats that we use at an intentional permaculture community in Hawaii. We have a thriving small family centered community, which has been going since 2004, and we highly value our emotional connections.
This is how we do it well.
The Purpose of Life, Self Sourcing, and Other Small Topics
The dilemma of a soul who is born into this world, differentiated and separated from its source is this:
Now I have wrapped myself in a piece of flesh, a body suit which creates by its nature a sense of limitation & separation. Here I am among millions of other forms. I have forgotten my source, so I cannot self source my food, comfort, love. I am dependent on the world of form to meet these needs.
If all goes well, all these needs are met and I experience being valued, understood, respected, fed the correct food as much as I want, protected and desired. I have clean air and good water and natural non-toxic substances around me. My parents are peaceful, loving, wise and want to stay close to me all the time, until I am ready for freedom.
What does grounding mean? Making the body real, putting your attention on the physical body, and strengthening the energy connection between your body and the earth.
All matter is energy, only there are different levels of vibration, like a spectrum, some finer and faster; some dense and slow. We have many different levels of being- the dense physical form, the less dense (but still weighty) emotions, the finer level of thoughts, and still finer essence of our souls or spirits; our pure consciousness. We have many "bodies", one for each level, which can be seen psychically as overlapping layers of an energy field or aura.
They get lighter and lighter as you move out farther from the physical body. The physical is the most solid.
Since ancient times the serpent has been a potent symbol for primal life force energy or chi. The snake, dragon, winged and feathered serpent have appeared in a multitude of cultures and were understood as sacred before they were equated with evil. They were associated with eternal life, wealth, intelligence, sexuality, fire, light and power.
But what is the deeper meaning?
The snake is structurally just a head and spine, and it moves in the sinuous wavelike motion of the wave or spiral, which is a basic movement of life force energy.
In Eastern traditions, the life force or Kundalini energy resides at the base of the spine in the sacrum, or sacred bone, awaiting to be awakened.
Sample Poems:
We Are Food For Each Other
We are food for each other
As we move our tired souls
Through a dry dusty world
Battling through blinding veils of shadow
We find an oasis to rest a moment
And drink from each other’s cups
This golden chalice is bejeweled
It’s radiance cuts through the night
A beacon of safety
And the nectar we drink
From each other’s lips
Is the sweet creamy bliss of unity
The only pleasure in this world
That heals the brokenness
And fills our deepest hunger
For truth
You feed me from your soul
And this perfect food
Stays in my core forever
By opening my inner doorway
Where I find my source
You reflect my own light
And I am strengthened
Drink deep Beloved wayfarer
Eat until deeply satisfied
This supply is infinite
This wellspring
Is your secret core of beauty
Breathing in
trusting, opening my heart
letting myself be moved
I become
a moon
a cup
a holy grail
container of living substance
shaped and created by it's contents
like a sea shell
a seething vibrant light
beyond knowing
If I dive into this cauldron
I find it has no bottom
this heart is not really a cup
a door
dervish means doorsill
How does a doorsill feel?
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