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Learn and practice Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy in a small group setting.
Training with Amara Karuna
on the Big Island of Hawaii
This therapy addresses and heals the pain that many of us experienced as infants and in our birth process; especially the lack of enough skin to skin contact and breast feeding from our mothers after birth.
A version of inner child therapy, this technique works with accessing the infant self and memories still stored in our deep subconscious and cellular memory. By using hypnotic induction, nurturing touch, invoking the Sacred, hearing another person's heartbeat and loving words, we open a direct channel back to that time and those experiences around birth.
It is designed to be used with friends, children and lovers, and is simple enough that most people easily can offer it to their loved ones.
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This book outlines a simple and deeply therapeutic practice that can be done with friends or lovers, or as a solo practice by yourself. It is a way of loving yourself and others deeply; reaching into areas of the most basic infantile needs and giving nurturing.
It explores the need for healing and the negative effects of common western birth procedures.
For those who are new to therapy or counseling, the basics of how to do emotional release work, peer counseling, inner child work and role-playing are explored. You'll find an explanation of the process of deep relaxation, hypnotic induction and regression, and spiritual invocation.
Using soft background music and male and female voices, this recording takes you on a gentle inner journey that has powerful and deep healing potential.
A version of inner child therapy, this session works with accessing the infant self and memories still stored in our deep subconscious and cellular memory.
This session can be used when alone, or ideally with a friend or therapist, either male or female. The friend simply holds you close while you both listen. In this process your inner infant can release painful emotions as needed, enjoy a deep sense of satisfaction, bliss and love, and create new and more loving relationship possibilities. Treat yourself to this restorative and transformative experience. 50 minutes long.
This Kindle E-book outlines a simple and deeply therapeutic practice that can be done with friends or lovers, or as a solo practice by yourself. It is a way of loving yourself and others deeply; reaching into areas of the most basic infantile needs and giving nurturing.
It explores the need for healing and the negative effects of common western birth procedures.
Since the practice is so simple, anyone can do it, and people can easily exchange sessions with each other as a conscious form of nurturing and sharing. The basic form can be used between friends, parents and children, clients and therapists, or to comfort someone who is ill or injured.
"Taking the Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy class was a profound experience in and of itself. It caused such a degree of de-armoring, of "getting real," that it took my whole life and forced the moment to its crisis, so to speak. It laid bare whatever was not working authentically and also what was authentically true about me and my life. In less than 24 hours my vision, being so cleared, produced the action steps that provide the context for my destiny, if you will.
All the pieces fell into place perfectly and my understanding, too. It was so fast and amazing as to feel miraculous. I feel blessed by your presence and your class."
I. H, Seattle, WA
"HNT is such inspiring book for me & those into deeply aware, sensitive & supporting our healing fears, PTSD, old birth trauma, child & sexual abuse, emotional conflicts, neglect & pains from any source. She offers many ways to nurture people of any age relaxing & trust building for self healing in natural cooperative ways. Its very graceful with amazing intuitive details about how we need caring to relax trusting opening up, maybe for first time ever.
HNT seems to radiate a soft loving vibe for cooperating, like bonding with babies & anyone needing soulful help to relax while feeling deeper bliss in love." - Michael Sunanda
"Amara Karuna is a very gifted teacher and this product is well-made. It's an enjoyable journey. Goes well with her book on the same subject. I highly recommend this product. If you're able to visit Eugene, Oregon for one of Amara's classes...even better!
Amazon Review, Eugene, OR
This may be one of the most healing 50 minutes you have spent in a long while. Amara gently and lovingly guides us toward fully feeling self love through all the ages of our lives. Each will experience it in their own way, yet I imagine all will come away feeling the deep power of truly holding ourselves in unconditional love, and more ready to allow its flow from our hearts into the world.
It can be an experience that not only takes one back to tender childhood places, but brings healing full circle with the spirit of acceptance and nourishment from Mother, Father and Goddess combined.
Amara has made a wonderful contribution here to our inner work and the work of peace on our planet. She has crafted a beautiful CD with soft, unintrusive music and an intuitive narrative that touches the heart. I plan to listen over and over until my cells have been fully bathed in the essence of its energy. "
-David Sutton, Amazon review
"Absolutely fantastic book as a guide for a Magically healing practice!
Amara is one of my absolute most favorite teachers.
I went to her Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy class/workshop and I bought the book and the CD there.
I don't thing there is even one adult or child that does not crave non-sexual loving/caring/nurturing touch.
I learned from Amara that there are two things which can enhance loving/caring/nurturing touch.
1- The sound of your beating heart and the energy that emanates from your heart Chakra when you are a provider of such touch and care...
2- Your calm/relaxed/loving/ caring/nurturing voice as you channel the divine masculine or the divine feminine as you provide such touch.
This healing combination is MAGICAL.
And it does not even need to be a "Therapy" session.
It also makes for a most wonderful paired meditation. And as a man, I find the ability to hold such a safe, loving, nurturing, sacred space for another to be a privilege that many are men are denied the opportunity to have, or shamed into not doing so.
Every time I held a person with loving intentions in my arms and put his/her head on my heart magic happened.
I can't really explain in with words.
You have got to try it for yourself!"
Alex W.
I began working with my early memories of infancy and birth
because of symptoms of physical pain that were long term and chronic,
and were seriously blocking my ability to function and enjoy life. I
learned peer counseling in my 20's and it has been a wonderful help all
my adult life. I learned to focus on the earliest memories in counseling,
to get the most effectiveness from my sessions, because those early
imprints form the root of all later issues.
I began to experience physical sensations and feelings arising
from my body during sessions, and images of my experiences of birth
and pre‐birth. Although I knew that everything we have experienced is
recorded somewhere in our brain, I thought it was not possible to
remember such early moments. But there they were, clear and strong. I
felt feelings of my heart and neck being pushed and compressed, and
feelings of the numbness and disassociation typical of anesthesia. My
body was shaking and moving of its own accord. Deep feelings of
vulnerability and fearful shock, and also abandonment came through
and released as tears and sounds.
Always after these sessions, I felt a renewed energy and different perspective on life. When I discovered that being held and role‐playing the early events increased the effectiveness, I used many of my sessions doing that technique.
Gradually over time, my persistent fear of the physical world and reluctance to be embodied have been fading and changing to joy and peace in being alive. Also my personal intimate relationships have shifted from being full of fear, control and
attachment to much more love, freedom and personal empowerment.
Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy addresses the pain that many of
us experienced as infants in our birth process, and also the lack of skin
contact and breastfeeding from our mothers after birth. Our birth is the
primal imprint, the initiation moment on which we base our beliefs
about life. Unsatisfied needs for oral stimulation and closeness can lead
to overeating, smoking, relationship problems and other addictions
later in life.
In this form of therapy we can offer new imprints of love and
nurturance directly back to those younger parts of ourselves. This frees
us to create more mature and satisfying intimate contacts with others.
This book outlines a simple and deeply therapeutic practice that
can be done with friends or lovers, or as a solo practice by yourself. It is
a way of loving yourself and others deeply; reaching into areas of the
most basic infantile needs and giving nurturing. Since the practice is so
simple, anyone can do it, and people can easily exchange sessions with
each other as a conscious form of nurturing and sharing.
Within a spiritual and intentional context, we act as healing
channels to help release this pain and create new healthy imprints in
the psyche. A version of inner child therapy, this process works with
accessing the infant self and memories still stored in our deep
subconscious and cellular memory. By using ritual, hypnotic induction,
massage, touch, sound and spoken words, we open a direct channel
back to that time and those experiences around birth. We seek to fill
some of the unmet needs of that time, and create new and healthier
imprints and neural pathways.
This book is intended as a basic introduction to some ideas and
practices that can be deeply satisfying and healing when trading
therapy with friends and lovers. I use the words "counselor",
"therapist" and "giver" interchangeably in this book, and these terms do
not imply any level of training.
You may have many of these skills already, and be able to skip
through a lot of the chapters. If you are completely new to any of this,
then give yourself a while to learn and practice, and don't expect to do it
perfectly at the beginning. Making mistakes is part of the learning
process. Do be aware that this is a powerful therapy technique that can
and probably will bring up deep and old issues. Get support from
experienced counselors if you run into problems.
Professionals may find this technique to be useful and integrate
it into their practice, if they are free to actually be physically close to
their clients. A person trained to give these sessions is affectionately
called a Mamadevi or Papadeva, (Sanscrit: deva means diety) and they
may offer these as part of a tantric healing ministry or as a part of being
a sexual surrogate. Often this is prohibited by law for professionals,
since they risk their clients becoming confused with transference
(attachment), or feelings of being sexually abused. This technique is
most effective and least confusing when done between people who are
trusting of each other, and not exchanging money for the service.
This is not a thorough guide to all the details of working with
the emotions that may arise while doing therapy. Each chapter could be
expanded to its own book, since the topics are so broad. I will give you
an outline of the basic technique, and ideas for several ways to use it, as
well as the background skills needed to use the full technique.
Information has been included on many relevant topics, with
ideas about how to approach them therapeutically. We will explore the
need for healing and the negative effects of common western birth
procedures. For those who are new to therapy or counseling, the basics
of how to do emotional release work, peer counseling, inner child work
and role‐playing are explored. You’ll find an explanation of the process
of deep relaxation, hypnotic induction and regression, and spiritual
Various practices are recommended in learning these processes,
and each one is highlighted so you can easily find them. The practices
can be done in pairs or on your own in many cases. If you are interested
in learning more about the skills involved in any of these, see the
Resources section.
This book assumes that if you are practicing giving this therapy,
you feel that you are able to hold loving space for another person to go
into and through some very strong feelings. This service can have very
lasting and profound effects on the lives of those who receive it. I hope
you practice this and teach it and share it widely, because now we need
all the love and nurturing we can create to spread out blessings through
our world.
May you know deep peace within.
Amara Wahaba Karuna
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