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Emotional Skills for a Changing World
Introductory Video:
Foundational ideas on emotion and emotional healing, with Amara
Heart to Heart, Hand in Hand-
How to Trade Holistic Peer Counseling
Intended to be used as part of a training course, this how to guide offers tools for meditation, visualization, breath work, emotional release, energy healing, bodywork and counseling techniques. We can learn not only to give effective sessions to others, but how to explore our own consciousness and make intentional changes as a client.
Drawing from sources like Re-Evaluation Co-Counseling, psychic work and body centered counseling, this book is a detailed handbook of resources and techniques, intended to be used while being trained by a skilled teacher. It is not intended to give a thorough training in professional therapy, although it can be used as a resource by professionals.
Coming soon on Amazon!
Exchange deeply transformative, client centered peer therapy, which taps in to our old emotional imprints and helps to transform them.
Co-Creating a Supportive Community
of peers for personal healing and human evolution
This work is essentially different from most forms of therapy with a paid professional.
It's a grassroots, do-it-yourself technology that allows everyone to learn the skills of both giving and receiving. The power of sharing this is inherently healing.
* Step forward into a new level of vibrant living and self awareness
* Transform emotional pain and make permanent life changes
* Connect with a community of others for mutual support
you could better understand your deep and irrational feelings that arise when triggered, which keep you from making good decisions?
And have the skills to process them either alone or with others?
you had others to call on who can help you move through strong feelings when they arise, without having to pay large fees?
you could free yourself from habits, addictions, aversions and compulsions?
This approach is not appropriate for everyone, since it requires you to have the energy to give as well as receive sessions. If you are really in a life crisis, it is best to see a professional.
"Thank you so much for all your tremendous experience, insight, wisdom, caring, love, compassion, patience, reassurance, walking so consistently in and through your life, and joyful laughing."
- Shana
Client, Student
"The work I have done with Amara has had a deep, profound impact on my life. I am so grateful to have her skilled and graceful guidance in exploring the potentially uncomfortable and mysterious terrain of both my mind and body.
The heightened awareness and self-knowledge I have gained is life changing and empowering. Amara truly has a gift in providing a safe and spacious container for this kind of intimate inquiry."
Client, Student
Very important if you are easily influenced by others
- loving all levels of our beings
including body, mind, spirit!
Using meditation, visualization, breathwork, emotional release, energy healing, bodywork and counseling techniques
These skills can improve health, relationships, inner peace and can be used to help your friends, children and family throughout life
Learn not only to give effective sessions to others, but how to explore your own consciousness and make intentional changes as a client.
This empowers each person and breaks out of traditional professional roles of counselor and client.
A wonderful training for anyone involved in health or healing professions, such as counseling, massage and bodywork.
Taking this series will enable you to take other more advanced classes. People already trained in RC and other forms of peer counseling are welcome.
"Amara is a great teacher because she is always fully human, never authoritarian, and she welcomes the thinking of others without surrendering her leadership of the class.
All this PLUS she is courageous, sensitive, playful, accepting, vulnerable and etc, etc, etc!" -L.N.
"Amara was my first Re-Evaluation (R.C.) counselor who went on to develop her own form of peer counseling then called Wholistic Peer Support . I studied with her in 1995-1997 and with her encouragement and role modeling, I developed and continue to teach Holistic Peer Counseling .
I owe Amara more than I can express here. Her healing and wisdom have dramatically altered the course of my life in a myriad of beneficial ways that are both obvious and subtle. I have thrived and bloomed under her mentorship. She continues to be a great source of love and inspiration that is palpable in both my daily spiritual practices and my healing sessions with other people."
Teri Ciacchi
Student, teacher, counselor
*Relationships and Sexuality -
How to create healthy relationships, how sex roles affect relationship, societal patterns around sexuality
*Oppression in Society - How the attitudes of society affect our emotional health, and how that is specifically for women, men, young people, GLBTQ, and different economic classes.
*Breathwork- how to use breathing for emotional healing and release
*Healing Circles- small support groups for intensive personal growth
* Polyamory Support groups-working with open relationships and thinking out of the box in loving connections
*Communication skills- giving and receiving feedback, assertiveness
*Parent's Support Groups -Oppression of parents by society, cutting through isolation, how to counsel your children, how to work with feelings about your children.
*Women's groups
*Addictions- Working on additions of all kinds, including food, drugs, sex, work, etc.
Content of the Beginning Series:
Effective Counseling Skills
Coached Counseling Intermediate Class
What gets in the way of teaching or leading elegantly, and being fully empowered and creative in our lives?
Let's find out!
We will work with the coached counseling technique, which is a wonderful way to improve counseling skills and learn to give counseling to someone in a group setting.
Working in 3 way sessions, one person is the client, one the counselor and one the coach. The session is focused on helping the counselor be clear and think well about the client. it is really exciting work!
This class requires a good grounding in co-counseling techniques and is not for beginners.
We will be learning the basics of the art and mystery of giving effective support to young people in this introductory class, for people who have already had the beginning co-counseling one month training.
Children are easy to counsel, in one sense, because they are so uninhibited with expressing their feelings. Yet they often express them quite insistently in moments which do not seem like the best times, to the adults who are attempting to manage life.
How can be take care of our own needs and also those of our young people? What can we do to help them grow without keeping a big backlog of acquired emotional baggage? What gets in our way when we attempt to be present for them? How are young people and parents oppressed by our culture?
Psychic Survival Skills
for Sensitive People
Are you sometimes told by others that you are "too sensitive"?
Do you sometimes have trouble separating your feelings from this around you?
Are you strongly influenced by the people and environment around you?
Some people are born with a natural psychic sensitivity that makes it challenging to live in our western culture.
Most of us who have these talents are told we are crazy and that they are not real, so we don't usually get any training in how to manage them.
Come learn some basic practices you can do to manage your own psychic hygiene, and gain more mastery with your energy and mind.
Human Intelligence and Emotional Healing
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